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Geniusz czy biznesmen? Sprzężenie karier drogą do sukcesu w nauce

My last article...


The article discusses selected elements of the scientists‘ careers. Addressing the question what constitutes success in science, I analyse scientific collaborations by focusing on the division of work among a research team, publication and co-publication process, and especially the acknowledgement of authorship in the case of publications based on research done by a team. Taking into account the dynamics of scientific milieus, I discuss some practices, which – despite being largely spread – hardly ever are the object of large and open discussions among the members of the world of human and social sciences. I hope that thanks to the perspective of sociology of work applied to the analysis of scientific careers, this paper will somewhat change the perception of functioning of our professional milieu and will be the starting point for a larger discussion about our daily practices. (Article in Polish)

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