April 6, 2023 - Between Microhistory And Microsociology: Writing A Biography Of Zygmunt Bauman
Sponsor(s): Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies, Institute of (ISEEES) The life of Zygmunt Bauman (1925- 2017) encapsulates 90...
Conference: BORDER OF HUMANITY - Poland fall 2021
The Migration Working Group "Granica człowieczeństwa" - Border of humanity - Poland fall 2021 Friday 17 December @11:30 – 13:00 CET,...
Su logu meu est sa Sardigna: una prospettiva sardo-centrica di una straniera su “Filosofia de Logu”.
Klub Filmowy w obozie - o rekonstrukcji godności uchodźców
Abstrakt wystąpienia: Jednym z elementów badania etnograficznego były regularne (dwa razy w tygodniu) popołudnia filmowe organizowane...
“Adapting social research to an editorial project. “BAUMAN. A BIOGRAPHY” (Polity Press 2020)
Il seminario intende offrire un caso di studio concreto per riflettere sui vincoli e le opportunità offerte alla divulgazione della...
Music PerformanceStudies Today:a program of online events, Feb 26, 2021 09:00 AM in Pacific Time
Across time and place, the arts have been heralded as a savior of all sorts; from promises of class mobility through creative freedom, to...