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2017 “Transmobility - A Cosmopolitan Process? Discriminations & Auto-discriminations of/by 

Transnational Professionals in the Research and Academia World” in Transnational Scientific 

Mobility. Perspectives from the North and the South - eds. Thais Franca e Beatriz Padilla; DOI: 

10.15847/CIESIUL/SMOBILITY ISBN: 978-972-8048-16-7; pp 91-116. 


2016. “Sociology of Excellence(s) in the Knowledge Society” in Rhetorics, discourse and 

knowledge, eds. Zaleska. M, Okólska, U..; Peter Lang Publishing House. 

Everett Hughes .png

2016. “Discovering the Secret of Excellence: Everett Hughes as a source of inspiration in researching creative careers” in Santoro M. and Helmes-Hayes M. (eds) The Anthem Companion to Everett Hughes, London, New York, Delhi: Anthem Press, (pp. 193-210)

2014. ”Works and Career Aspects of Ghetto Laboratories" in Re-searching Scientific Careers, eds. Katarina Pripic, Inge van deer Weijden, Nadia Ashuelova, special issue of Social Studies of Science by Russian Academy of Science and ESA RN STS. (145-170)

2013. „What is "genius" in arts and "brain drain" in life-science. The relevance of Chicago

School heritage in the studies of professional elite-worlds.” in: The Chicago School Diaspora - Epistemology and Substance. eds. Jacqueline Low & Gary Bowden; MacGill and Queens University Press, – Canada. (pp. 272-286)

2012. „ Transnational Careers in the Virtuoso World“ in Careers in Creative Industries, eds.

Christopher Mathieu, Routledge, Management & Business Series. London, New York.

978-0-415-80826-2 (December - pp. 185-209).

2010. „Transnational Path of Creative Careers in the Virtuoso World: Producing Excellence in Western (France) and Eastern (Poland) Europe“ in Creativity from a Global Perspective, Creative Encounters, Copenhagen Business School& FuDan University in Shanghai

2009. “How to manage scientists? Lab-leader’s job- tricky task” in Socjologiczne, pedagogiczne i psychologiczne problemy organizacji i zarzadzania, red. Banaszak, Doktor; Poznan, wyd. Wyzszej Szkoly Komunikacji i Zarzadzania, 2009: 131-160. Poland

2007. Si les arts et les sciences sont souvent opposés dans les discours, émotion contre raison, subjectif contre objectif..., les deux types d'activités, parce qu'ils incluent l'un comme l'autre des processus de création et des opérations de connaissance, sont bien souvent confrontés à des problèmes similaires : la question de l'attribution de la paternité et de la propriété des créations, l'établissement de la valeur de ces créations, l'importance prise par les moyens techniques dans le travail de conception, de réalisation, de diffusion... Ed. L'Harmattan

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